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Name of the top 10 countries in the world tourism wrote in Turkey, now writing the history of tourism

Name of the top 10 countries in the world tourism wrote in Turkey, now writing the history of tourism. Source names will be written the history of tourism, on 22 to 23 February 2013 in Istanbul's Taksim Point Hotel "Resource Person Identification Workshop" was determined by the 60 veterans came together in tourism activity.

Speaking at the opening of the workshop, Project Coordinator Prof. Dr. Nazmi Kozak, Anadolu University Faculty of Tourism and students and academics in the departments said they formed a team of 25 people. History Foundation Ekin said the team will provide institutional support to the Group "Turkey Tourism Oral History Research", the reminding the specified resource persons at the workshop will be conducted face to face interviews Prof. Dr. Kozak said: Talks will begin in the coming days. We plan to complete face to face interviews with 18 months. Our team will meet with about 12 people each researcher. Preparation of negotiations and to search for the answer to question 40 average completion time will have approximately 45 days. All information will be recorded in writing and in conversation today. Registration of a three-volume book, documentary and scientific publications to be prepared. The information will be available to all researchers. "

More than 400 'source' people were determined

Workshop, including former ministers, undersecretaries, bureaucrats, who has worked in all areas of tourism and retired lecturer and today joined 60 veteran actively engaged in tourism. Doyen's, identify the names of people to be interviewed as print resources team to carry out the work. The names of more than 400 names emerging public, tourism operators, tour operator, travel agency, guide, they are listed under headings such as NGOs concerned.

In closing the workshop participants thanking Prof. Dr. Kozak said: "met also with Antalyali tourism, if the names of the missing remains we will include in our list them in identifying. Istanbul and combine in a single list of Antalya list, we will launch the face-to-face interviews. This work is devoted to the recording of the Turkish tourism will do our limited budget we have." Source we want to discuss reach all of the people. Therefore, tourism all associated individuals, we would like to give every support to our work of institutions and organizations. if to do so in a way that leaves no room for discussion of the results to be obtained more efficiently, and I believe will prove to be accurate. "

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