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Tourism in Mexico

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Seventy-seven thousand Russians visited Mexico in 2012, while in 2006 were less than 7,000, said today the Ambassador of Mexico in Russia, Ruben Beltran, introducing new possibilities for your country in this field.

In 2012, the Mexican tourism sector expected the arrival of some 50,000 citizens of Russia, but 27,000 more arrived. In 2010, Mexico received 27,000 Russian tourists; in 2011, to 41,000, and in 2012, more than 77,000.

The ambassador highlighted the dynamism with which relations in this area between the two countries develop.

Mexico expects to reach the goal of 100,000 Russian tourists in 2013 and 500,000 in 2018, reported.

The new Mexican government plans to suspend visas for citizens of Russia. And took a few steps in this direction. The ability to receive permission to enter the country via the Internet, introduced a while ago, substantially increased the number of Russians who want to visit Mexico,

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